Travel WOD’s

Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:57:17 +0000
March 16, 2023
Travel WOD’s

Here’s a list of workouts you can do on the road or at home with minimal equipment!

3 rounds : Run 1/2 mile 50 air squats

10 rounds : 10 push-ups 10 sit ups 10 squats

For time : 200 air squats

“Susan” – 5 rounds Run 200m 10 squats 10 push ups

3 rounds for time : Sprint 200m 25 push ups

3 rounds for time : 10 Handstand push ups 200m run

Tabata – 4 minutes each exercise – 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds Squats Push ups

20 rounds for time : 5 push ups 5 squats 5 sit ups

For time : 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sets of sit-ups 100 meter sprin

For time : “Invisible Fran” – 21-15-9 of: Air squats Push ups

6 rounds for time : 10 push ups 10 air squats 10 sit up

5 rounds for time : 3 vertical jumps 3 squats 3 long jumps

8 rounds for time : Handstand 30 seconds 10 squats

10 rounds for time : 10 push-ups 100M dash

5 rounds, each for time : 400M sprints

10 rounds, each for time : 100 m dash

For time : Run 1 mile, lunging 30 steps every 1 minute

5 rounds for time : Handstand 30 seconds 20 air squats

4 rounds, each for time : 25 jumping squats

4 rounds for time : 10 vertical jumps 10 push ups 10 sit ups

For time : 10 air squats every 1 minute of your 1 mile run

For time : 100 burpees

For time : Run 1 mile

10 rounds for time : 10 push-ups 10 squats 10 sit ups 10 rounds

5 rounds for time : 10 vertical jumps run 400 meters

For time : 100 air squats

5 rounds : Handstand 1 minute Hold bottom of the squat for 1 minute

10 rounds, for time : Sprint 100 meters Walk 100 meters

For time : 100 push ups

For time : 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees Sit ups

3 rounds for time : 50 sit-ups 400 meter run or sprint or walk

10 rounds for time : 10 walking lunges 10 push-ups

For time : 50 split jumps

4 rounds for time : Handstand for 30 seconds or 5 handstand push ups 400 meter run

10 rounds for time : 10 burpees 100meter sprint

L Sit : “L” sit off the floor. 10 rounds of 10 seconds (if you can’t do it sit with your legs straight out and try to lift your heels of the ground for 10 seconds instead!!!)

4 rounds for time : run 400 meters 50 air squats

10 rounds : Handstand 30 seconds Squat hold 30 seconds

5 rounds for time : Ten vertical jumps ( jump as high as you can, land and do it again) 10 push-ups

20 rounds for time : 1 burpee 10 air squats

3 rounds for time : Run 1/2 mile 50 air squats

For time: Run 1 mile with 100 air squats at midpoint

7 round for time : 7 squats 7 burpees

For time : Run 1 mile, plus 50 squats

Handstand practice : 25 tries at free handstands, then a 1 mile run at 80%.

5 rounds, each for time : 50 air squats x 5. Rest equal amounts as it took to do each 50

Run 1 mile and do 10 push-ups every 1 minute

8 rounds for time : Sprint 100m 30 squats

3 rounds, for time : 30 push ups 30 second handstand or Plebs Plank

10 rounds for time : 10 sit ups 10 burpees

10 rounds: Handstand hold, 30 seconds, Squat hold 30 seconds

For time : 250 jumping jacks

For time : 100 jumping jacks 75 air squats 50 push ups 25 burpees

5 rounds : 30 second handstand against a wall 30 second static hold at the bottom of the squat

5 rounds for time : 10 air squats with eyes closed open eyes 10 push ups eyes closed

5 rounds : Run 1 minute Squat 1 minute

5 rounds for time : 10 push-ups 10 hollow rocks Run 200 meters

4 rounds for time : 20 sit ups with support under the lumbar spine 20 push ups Run 400m

8 rounds : Handstands, 30 second hold 30 second static squat 30 second rest

10 rounds for time : Sprint 50 meters 10 push ups

4 rounds : 50 air squats rest for 2 minutes between rounds

3 rounds : 20 tuck jumps 30 second handstands

3 rounds for time : 400m run/sprint 30 air squats

3 rounds for time : 20 jumping jacks 20 burpees 20 air squats

10 rounds: 50 meter sprint

Tabata – 4 minutes at each exercise – 20 seconds on 10 second rest for 8 rounds of: Tuck jumps & Sit ups

3 rounds for time : Run 400m Air squat 30 hand stand 30 seconds

5 rounds for time : 30 second handstand 60 second squat hold ( at the bottom of the squat)

3 rounds for time : Run 200 meters 50 squats

3 rounds for time : 20 Air squats 20 Burpees 20 Push-Ups

For time : 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Air squat Push up

5 rounds for time : 100M dash 10 air squats Rest 2 minutes between rounds

For time : 1 mile run 20 lunges at every minute

5 rounds : run 200 meters 20 air squats

20 rounds : 1 burpee 10 air squats

21-15-9 : Push ups Hollow rocks Jump squats

For time : 50 push ups 50 squats 50 hollow rocks

For time : 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: push up jumping squat

5 rounds for time : 30 second handstand 30 air squats

5 rounds for time : run 800 meters 30 squats 30 push-ups

5 rounds for time : 10 push ups 10 squats run 200 meters

10 rounds for time : 10 push ups 10 sit ups 10 squats

4 rounds for time : Run 400 meters 20 burpees

For time : 100 air squats 50 push ups 1 mile run

21-15-9 for time : Jump squats Handstand push ups

For time : 100 air squats 1 mile run

5 rounds for time : 20 squats 20 push-ups 20 sit ups

21-15-9 for time : Sit ups Push ups Air squats

10 Minute WOD: Run for 10 minutes stopping to do 20 air squats each minute

4 rounds for time : 20 pull ups 20 push ups

5 rounds for time : 5 handstand push ups 10 burpees

The post Travel WOD’s appeared first on KCI CrossFit.

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