Travel Workouts - Summer 2024

May 29, 2024
Travel Workouts - Summer 2024

Here are 10 workouts you can do on vacation! Get outside and enjoy!

WOD #1


800m Run

60 Air Squats

40 Hollow Rocks

WOD #2

20 rounds for time:

5 push ups

7 sit ups

10 squats

WOD #3

Every 6:00 for 3 sets

-600m Run

30 Sit ups

1:00 MAX effort KB swings or Jumping Air Squats

WOD #4

3 rounds for time :

20 burpees

40 air squats

60 jumping jacks

WOD #5

Every 3:00 for 30:00

200m Run

10 Hand Release Push Ups

10 Sit Ups

WOD #6

20 rounds for time

5 push ups

10 squats 5 sit ups

WOD #7

A long time favorite of mine: 7 minutes of Burpees.

WOD #8

For time

Run 1 mile, lunging 30 steps at the top of every minute.

WOD #9

10 rounds

Handstand 30 seconds

Squat hold 30 seconds

WOD #10

7 round for time

14 squats

7 burpees

7 V-ups

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