KCI CrossFit Values: Week 2

Tue, 12 Jan 2016 19:31:09 +0000
March 16, 2023
KCI CrossFit Values: Week 2

Last week we introduced Value #1 of KCI CrossFit: Persistence.  If you haven’t read the article you can do so:

WEEK 1: Be Persistent

This week we want to introduce Value #2, Integrity.  We could go on for hours about integrity and all of the different factors that affect a person’s integrity – so grab a cup of coffee, we’ll be here awhile.  Just kidding, but I would like to highlight a few points that ring true here at KCI.  

Have Integrity

Genuine honesty bonds us as a community.  Shortcuts do not exist.

CrossFit boxes everywhere tout “the best community in town”.  But what does that mean?  How do you judge a great community?  For KCI CrossFit, we find that Integrity and Honesty bind our community together.  We don’t all get along and we’re not all best friends.  But we are honest with each other, and we represent ourselves genuinely.  We can talk to each other when we’re having a bad day and we can encourage each other through a tough WOD.   We trust each other, and can confide in each other with honesty.

Will a coach at KCI no-rep an athlete?  Absolutely.  Will you no-rep yourself? Or add reps to your WOD score? It’s our hope that none of our athletes would.  Shortcuts don’t exist, and if you are truly trying to reach a goal or get in better shape, why would you sabotage yourself like that?  In many ways, being brutally honest with yourself and others is freeing and relieving, and is the cornerstone of building something truly amazing.  Having persistence and not taking any shortcuts go hand in hand!

Stay tuned until next week for Value #3
-Your KCI CrossFit Coaches

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