Gratitude & Grit – Our Core Values

Thu, 23 Nov 2017 22:28:03 +0000
March 16, 2023
Gratitude & Grit – Our Core Values

KCI CrossFit was built to bring people together and provide a framework for them to create the happiest and healthiest version of themselves. We collectively agree that we are striving to be the best version of ourselves and that we are committed to that pursuit today, next year, in 10 years and in 60 years. We welcome newcomers into our community and treat them like family. As a community of like-minded individuals, it became apparent that a common set of values and norms were needed. A compass to help guide us. A road-map to follow.


Gratitude & Grit Core Values

Let’s use an analogy to understand why the Core Values are important and how they affect our overall health and fitness “journey” to creating the happiest and healthiest versions of ourselves.

To create the healthiest and happiest versions of ourselves we need a vehicle to take us on the “journey,” and we need a road to drive on.

Our mentality of Gratitude & Grit is the vehicle. And our habits/actions are the roadway. Habits with our lifestyle, work, sleep, nutrition, and exercise are the major components that make up the roadway. KCI CrossFit strives to provide the roadway, the path we can take to lead a healthy and happy life. What we are also trying to provide is a tune-up, check-up, and upgrade to the vehicles we are driving. A refining of our mindset; and an owner’s manual on how to drive the car.

Gratitude & Happiness

Happiness isn’t a destination. It’s not around the corner or on the other side of a difficult situation. That’s a hard truth we’ve had to realize. We must chose to be happy, wherever we are because the journey never ends. And this is the essence of gratitude. Whether we’re talking about the “fitness journey” of losing weight or getting in shape, or the journey of life. We won’t find lasting happiness at an arbitrary “end” destination.

If I lose 20 pounds, I’ll be happy. When I have 6-pack abs, I’ll be happy. If I make $100k a year, I’ll be happy. If I have 2 kids, I’ll be happy. If I can buy a fancy car, I’ll be happy. If I can retire and move to the beach, then I’ll be happy.

These cultural norms are unfortunately not grounded in truth. While achieving those goals may bring momentary excitement or happiness, it will be short lived. Very soon, we will realign our goals and be striving towards the next “thing” without lasting happiness. Always chasing a moving target!

Conversely, cultivating gratitude yields happiness today and nurtures our capacity for happiness in the future. Recognizing what’s already in our life that we can be grateful for. Realizing the abundance that we already have and being thankful for it. We are grateful for our spouses. Our jobs. Our safety. Our freedom. Our health. And on!

Practicing Gratitude

Our attitudes are magnets. Whatever we put out, we will attract. Whatever we are looking for, we will find. If we look for positivity, we will see it all around. And if we see more positive in our lives, we will be generally happier. And thus helping us achieve our primary goal: creating the happiest and healthiest version of ourselves. This is the core importance of gratitude in our lives.

What does Gratitude look like? What are some of the actions of this mentality? Well, here’s a few off the top of my head:

Gratitude means smiling. Looking people in the eyes. Active Listening. High fives. Being on time. Using manners.. Encouraging words. Lending a hand. Working hard. Never quitting. Making sacrifices. Saying “Thank You”. Volunteering. Just to name a few!

So, all that to say, gratitude is immensely important in our lives, and it’s importance translates to working out, our fitness goals, and overall health. Gratitude is a mindset, and it’s also an action. We live out our gratitude mindset through our daily actions.

Now, Grit. Like Gratitude, Grit is a mindset that must be developed, and it’s also an action. Developing grit doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by doing; by taking action.

What is Grit?

Grit is “getting knocked off the horse and getting back up.” Grit is the willingness to try new things. Grit is living outside your comfort zone. Grit is building discipline. Grit is accepting that failure is part of the process. Grit is never quitting. Grit is being resourceful. Grit is making hard decisions. Grit is making sacrifices. Having grit means living with integrity. Living with grit means having persistence when things get hard. Having grit also means we don’t make excuses. We could go on!

Grit in the gym means all of those things! Results don’t just happen, and there aren’t shortcuts. Hard work, persistence, integrity, and failure are all necessary parts of the process – whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or build confidence. You see, to change our bodies we must push outside of our comfort zone mentally and physically. We must make sacrifices. We must find a way when the way forward is unclear! Developing and practicing grit is at the core!

Cultivating Gratitude & Grit @ KCI

KCI CrossFit is a place to cultivate grit. We require hard work and persistence. We are putting daily disciplines into practice. We are parents, business owners, employees and we are making sacrifices to achieve goals in all areas of our life. KCI CrossFit is a training ground to apply grit into all other areas of our lives. Working out is hard. CrossFit is hard. We learn the basics, practice them and become better! And therefore, cultivating grit helps us become the healthiest and happiest version of ourselves.

Bringing Gratitude and Grit together is our recipe for success. As a fitness community, we rally around a common goal and come together. We encourage and challenge each other. We have high expectations and hold each other accountable. We celebrate successes and stick together when things get hard. We are a family!

The post Gratitude & Grit – Our Core Values appeared first on KCI CrossFit.

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