Daily Brief 5/7

Thu, 07 May 2020 04:53:33 +0000
March 16, 2023
Daily Brief 5/7

Thursday 5/7:

Re-opening KCI

Our plan is to re-open group classes on May 15th! Stay tuned for the details!

Zoom Workouts:

6:30am Breath Clinic

7:30am Co-Ed Coffee Break

4:00pm Mobility

8:30pm Ladies Social Hour

Zoom Meeting ID

https://us04web.zoom.us/j/ 568869364

Zoom Password: 21159

Daily Fitness Challenge:

Spend 10 minutes practicing “self-massage”. Typically we’ll foam roll or use a lacrosse ball to massage stiff tissue and joints. Today, get creative! What can you use around your house to massage some stiff or tender spots? I’ll give you a freebie – who has a rolling pin in the kitchen? Target a problem area of yours and spend time dedicated to self massage today!

Inspiration & Action:

The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It’s the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows.“… James Clear

How to apply this principle in 5 minutes today: We all make mistakes every day. But we have a choice to make different decisions tomorrow. If you are finding yourself in circles of bad habits write them down. Then, write down one small decision you can take today that will move you in a different direction – towards a good habit. Consistently apply that one small change over the course of the next month or 90 days and just watch how much progress you can make!


Define & Achieve Your Goals – NEW WHITEBOARD SESSION!

Uncover Your “WHY”

Motivation & Momentum: Why you don’t “feel motivated”


Dad Joke Battle #2

Dad Joke Battle #1


The tools you need to succeed!

Live @ 5 on Facebook

Every night at 5pm we go live on the KCI Member’s Forum to discuss tomorrow’s workout. Just like a traditional whiteboard session, we go over scaling and modifications and give you an opportunity to ask questions! Tune in 7 days a week!

Don’t forget to fill out the Re-Opening SURVEY for us!

Make today awesome!

Nick Prohaska

KCI CrossFit

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