How to start again – “Your Story”

Wed, 07 Dec 2022 17:30:24 +0000
March 16, 2023
How to start again – “Your Story”

I think of life as a book – it has chapters. As the plot moves from one chapter to the next; the main character gets out of a hard situation, overcomes a personal challenge, or meets someone new who can help them along the way. The main character is on a mission to succeed and the next chapter is moving them one step closer.

Here’s why I think of life in that way – because we’re not only the main character in our story; we’re also co-authoring the book of our life! We get to choose the next step we take, the next plot line in the book!

Whether you need to take it slow or you’re ready to dive in, we have membership options to help you get started again!

Here’s how to start writing your next chapter, commit to your plan!

Slow and steady:

3-class punch card: $56. This will get you back in the gym, once a week for 3 weeks. Then, 2x per week for 1-2 months: $100/mo. Building your habits. Proving to yourself that you CAN do this! After 2-3 months, you’ll feel so good that you want to come to 3 or more classes per week. And then, a monthly membership: $160. Let’s do it!

Dive In:

Ready to go? We’re ready to have you! Monthly membership: $160.

Square One:

Let’s cover the basics, relearn the movements and get comfortable showing up again! Start with 3 Personal Training Sessions: $200. Then let’s talk about a Slow & Steady or Dive In plan after that!

Your next chapter is calling, start writing!

The post How to start again – “Your Story” appeared first on KCI CrossFit.

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