How to start again – “Dive In”

Tue, 29 Nov 2022 21:58:27 +0000
March 16, 2023
How to start again – “Dive In”

We’ve already given you a plan if you’re the “Slow & Steady” type. But maybe you feel like the “Dive In” type – you’ve got the time and you’re eager and ready to go. Here’s your plan!

Picture me and you at the swimming pool and you’re nervous to jump in because you know the water is cold. I push you in the water, splash! It is cold, but once you’re in and moving around, it actually feels really good!

Consider this email me pushing you into the pool!

Now, just because you’re in the pool doesn’t mean you are going to swim your fastest. You’re out of practice, so it’s necessary to have a game plan so you can keep going!

The Plan:

First 4 weeks, keep the intensity to a 40%-60%. You should always leave the gym feeling like you were capable of doing more – and that’s the goal. If you push it too hard, you’ll get too sore and won’t feel like going to the gym the following day. Your main goal is showing up consistently, so do just that. Show up, smile, have fun and give it a little bit of effort.

The next 4 weeks, use a 40/60/80 mentality. Only 1 day a week should be near 80% effort. The other days need to feel around 40%-60% intensity.

After that, bump up the intensity to around 70-85% intensity during all of your workouts. By now, you’ve been working out consistently for over 60 days, you’re in the routine, and your body is used to the intensity and recovery process. You’ve learned what it feels like to go at 40% and what it feels like to go past 80%. Depending on the day, ask the coach and assess how you feel to determine how intense you can approach a workout.

Sometimes it takes a friend to push us into the pool to get swimming. But you’ve got to show up at the pool first!

I’m ready to push you, if you’re ready to show up!

Nick Prohaska

KCI CrossFit


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