Great Things Are Happening at KCI!

Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:19:21 +0000
March 16, 2023
Great Things Are Happening at KCI!

Good morning, KCI! Since we are at the first of the month, this is a great time to update everyone on what’s happening at KCI!


Welcome to KCI:

Amanda Arthur, Kristin Belfonte, Eric Laube, and Marcie Mathis!

New member PARTY this Saturday post-WOD 10:30-12pm. If anyone can stay after the workout, we will have the REC room set up and we’ll hang out, grill some food and game it up! This is a BYOS event!


Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 18th 2015. I will need volunteers for registration, photography, selling goods, score tracking and judging. 
We currently have 20 people signed up with a cap of 50.


We will bring on JC Ramatowski as our strength coach this month. He will provide a variety of service options for our members and people currently outside our community. This includes, but is not limited to, Olympic lifting.

We will offer a CrossFit + LIFTING membership option as well as a lifting ONLY membership option and JC will host clinics that will provide 3-4 hours worth of information and training. These will be offered to members as well as people outside the KCI community.

Pricing and further information will be provided this week.

4. The CrossFit OPEN 2015!

My personal goal is to have every member sign up for the Open. There is a scaled division this year which means every single person will be able to compete-even if you’re injured or brand new to CrossFit. More details on this in separate posts.

5. SWIM TRAINING at Park Hill Aquatic Center

Next session is Sunday, February 22nd from 10:30-11:30am.


If you have not filled out a member profile, please try and do so this week. We would like to have one for each member!


I would like to schedule our next group outing at SkyZone. I will post further details, again, on a separate post.

I know this is a ton of information and some of it requires more details, but I will send out separate posts in the days to come!

Thanks, KCI! See you soon!

The post Great Things Are Happening at KCI! appeared first on KCI CrossFit.

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