Gratitude & Grit | The History

Thu, 07 Dec 2017 01:58:12 +0000
March 16, 2023
Gratitude & Grit | The History

By now you’ve seen our Core Values are Gratitude & Grit, and hopefully you’ve taken a look at what that means us us.  If not, you can read about it HERE.  What makes these values so special to us is the way they came about and the story behind it.  

The hashtag #gratitudeandgrit came from a random Facebook post, on a random Thursday in June after an open-gym session.  We immediately knew the slogan rang true for the members of KCI.  But it took a few months to realize that Gratitude and Grit were the perfect Core Values for us.  

A little background on the post:

Holly is a 2.5 year CrossFit veteran.  She’s one of the most dedicated people when it comes to attending class.  She sacrifices more than many people know to get to the gym regularly.  Yet she has her own struggles.  (You’ll read those soon)  And she has a great perspective on life.  

There’s a member at KCI who was diagnosed with cancer and started treatments in February of 2017.  Other than the days immediately following her treatments, she rarely missed a workout.  She came in to her normal class times and modified the exercises she couldn’t do, or shouldn’t do.  She never complained.  She was always encouraging to others.  She always worked as hard as she could. To simply call it inspiring would be a grievous understatement.  It was awe-inspiring and near miraculous to see her in the gym from February – September.  

Here’s Holly’s post from that Thursday in June.  It’s short, raw, and laced with emotion:

Reality check: showed up at the gym this morning, a little whiny, feeling tired, having cramps (tmi? sorry), gonna workout because I have to, not because I want to but not very motivated.

Decide to make up a partner WOD I missed yesterday and at the last moment, another lady comes in so I actually have a partner. My partner is fighting stage 4 breast cancer, still a CrossFit badass, lost a freaking fingernail during the workout (side effect of chemo), apologized to me (um, really?), threw on a pair of gloves to keep the blood under control, and KEPT GOING, LIKE A BEAST.

Suddenly I was embarrassed that I whined about my cramps and I was ashamed for feeling tired today. She’s an amazing athlete, has a stellar attitude, and is most definitely kicking cancer’s ass.      #GratitudeandGrit

Knowing the hearts of both of these women, that hashtag rang out like a shotgun in my head.  It clicked, it just made sense.  Gratitude and Grit.  It’s so simple.  Yet, so hard.  It’s what we are striving for, and it’s how we are living right now.  These values are lived out and cultivated in the smallest moments in life.  The small, seemingly insignificant moments can be the most powerful when building character.  KCI CrossFit is a place to live out and cultivate Gratitude & Grit! 

It is our wish that every member of KCI CrossFit lives with these values close to their heart.  And it is our mission to develop and cultivate Gratitude and Grit within all of our members.

If you’re on a fitness journey, we’re here to help!

The post Gratitude & Grit | The History appeared first on KCI CrossFit.

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